We partner with individuals who imbue a conscious and slow lifestyle.
Apply to our affiliate program via the link below. Signing up is free!
Share MerMarché on your social channels with your unique link & sharing code.
Earn 15% commission on purchases made through your link & code.
Earn Commission - Receive 15% commission on sales from affiliate links on your social platforms.
Get Early Access - Be the first to receive the inside scoop on promos, product launches and events.
Exclusive Offers - Enjoy free products, plus unique discount codes for your readers and followers.
Best Practices
Tips on how to make the most of our ambassador program:
Program info:
- Access your account here
- Use your trackable links
- Share your 15% off discount code! If you don’t have one yet, please email affiliates@mermarche.com
Create content that converts:
- Demo our products! Showcase texture and your skin before/after use to highlight product results.
- We recommend speaking directly to camera when reviewing our products. Example (and how to pronounce “MERMARCHE”) here!
Bonus tips:
- Review multiple best-selling products.
- Use the analytics on your UpPromote dashboard to see what content resonates with your audience the most. The most important metrics to look at are traffic and revenue.
- Use IG/TikTok/Youtube analytics to optimize your traffic hotspots.
- Think like a salesperson. What motivates your audience to make a purchase?
- Include affiliate links + discount codes in the description boxes of all your YouTube videos.
- Include affiliate links + discount codes in your blog posts and Pin them on Pinterest!
Content Guidelines
Caption Guidelines:
- Share honest product recommendations.
- Share our brand values that resonate with you most.
- Share product benefits as well as your personal results.
- Comment on the features you love the most! Ex: Scent, ingredients, texture or packaging.
- Tag us @mer.marche + #mermarche so that we can see and engage with your posts!
- Use #MerMarchePartner in captions + stories. On Instagram, utilize the Paid Partnership tool. Follow FTC guidelines.
- Share ONLY your honest opinions, findings, beliefs and experiences with MerMarché.
Other Posting Requirements:
- All product claims that you make on social media must use the same (or similar) language as claims made on our product pages: www.mermarche.com.
- Avoid making claims that our products are “pregnancy-safe.” As with any skincare or supplement, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers should follow their doctor’s guidance.
- Avoid stating or suggesting that an MerMarché product will treat or prevent any disease or medical condition, including, but not limited to acne, psoriasis, or rosacea. Avoid describing our products as non-toxic, organic and all-natural.
- Your content should not infringe upon the copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or other personal or property rights of any person or entity.
- Content that is lewd, obscene, sexually explicit, pornographic, disparaging, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate at MerMarché's sole determination may not be posted and MerMarché, in its sole discretion may remove such content or require that you remove such content.
- Content will not violate any law.
Perks and Requirements
What discount does my promo code provide?
- Your promo code will provide first-time customers 15% off, and can only be used once per customer.
When / How do I get paid?
- We currently process these through PayPal, but this is subject to change to a direct deposit system and we will update our community accordingly.
How do I earn commissions?
- Simply share your affiliate links across your social channels (Instagram / Facebook / Blog / Pinterest / YouTube etc). Anyone who makes a valid purchase through this link will generate commission for you.
How can I see my sales?
- Upon being accepted into our program, you’ll receive a welcome email to log into your account. Your dashboard will showcase the sales generated as well as other helpful tools to stay active!
How can I get in touch with the team?
- We have a dedicated POC for our Ambassador Program. You can always reach out to affiliates@mermarche.com
How do I request a product refill as an active affiliate?
Simply email us at affiliates@mermarche.com
Need assistance? Please don't hesitate to email us at affiliates@mermarche.com
Share the art of slow living with MerMarché